Without grant writers like Nancy, Dental Lifeline Network’s programs would not have nearly as much financial support and could not serve nearly as many people. Not only does DLN help thousands of individuals through its flagship program Donated Dental Services (DDS), the organization also assists underserved populations through Dental HouseCalls, Bridge/Campaign of Concern, and the Donated Orthodontic Services (DOS) program. Nancy has been working in grant writing since 1994, but joined DLN in June 2017. Get to know the newest member of our team!
Hometown: Denver (And yes, I’m proud to be a native!)
Favorite thing about Denver: Sunshine, craft breweries, and close proximity to the most beautiful mountain scenery in the world.
What brought you to Dental Lifeline Network? I actually left grant writing and fundraising for a while to start my own business making bicycle saddle bags. I still have that business, but I was missing the connection to a social services organization. I missed the feeling of contributing and doing better in the world, of being part of something bigger than myself. I also just missed the writing.
Best part of working at DLN? Doing work that literally changes lives for the better. (And all the friendly co-workers!)
Hobbies: Sewing, cooking, drinking the aforementioned craft beer. Looking for some new pass-times. Got any suggestions?
Do you have a secret talent? I can juggle. Sort of.
What is a random fun fact about yourself? My husband and I were born three days apart in the same hospital, grew up in the same part of Denver, and went to the same college, but didn’t actually meet until we were 24.
The post Behind the Scenes: Meet Nancy Freimuth, Grant Writer appeared first on Dental Lifeline Network.