Dental Lifeline Network • Colorado hosted a free CE course and award presentation on “An Update Common Medical Conditions” on February 7. The course was presented by Kevin Patterson, DDS, MD at Mountain West Dental Institute in Denver. About 80 attendees came to learn about medical management of common medical conditions and how it affects dental treatment. The DLN • CO board also recognized outstanding Donated Dental Services (DDS ) volunteers including Dr. Andrew Howard (Longmont) Attendees were encourage to volunteer to see one patient through DDS. DLN • CO is grateful to Delta Dental of Colorado for their generous support of the event.
DLN • Colorado board president Dr. Steve Nelson, DLN • Colorado board vice president Dr. Jeff Lodl and Dr. Andrew Howard |
Dr. Jasper Bartolonme, Dental HouseCalls dentist |
DLN • Colorado board member Dr. Eric Van Zytveld |
Irina Nekhenzon, hygienist and Dr. Cheryl Lerner, Delta Dental of Colorado |
Pam Howard, Dr. Andrew Howard and DDS Coordinator Pam Pairan |
DLN • Colorado board member Teresa Abbott and Marianne Frantz from Peeples Prosthetics |
Kevin McGrellis, DDS coordinator represents DLN • Colorado |
DLN • Colorado board president, Dr. Steve Nelson, speaker Dr. Kevin Patterson and DLN • Colorado board member Shawn Copeland |
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