From L to R: Barbara Blough, Assistant Director, Iowa Dental Association; Larry Carl, Executive Director, Iowa Dental Association; Maren Lenhart, Public Benefit Planning Analyst, Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation; Rick Cacciatore, General Manager, Patterson Dental; Diane Wells, DDS Coordinator, Iowa Donated Dental Services; Iowa Governor Terry Branstad; Donna Glanz, Professional Relations Representative, Delta Dental of Iowa; Beth Jones, Public Benefit Manager, Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation; Karla Fultz McHenry, Contract Lobbyist; Lynh Patterson, Government Relations Manager, Delta Dental of Iowa
Today, February 22, 2017, Governor Terry Branstad longtime supporter signed a Donated Dental Services (DDS) Recognition Day proclamation. The Iowa DDS program recently surpassed a significant milestone: over $5 million in donated treatment to patients in need since the program was founded in 2005 in partnership with the Iowa Dental Association, thanks to more than 250 volunteer dentists and 35 dental labs. Several members of the DLN • IA Leadership Council were in attendance for the signing including:
Maren Lenhart and Donna Glanz, Delta Dental of Iowa
Rick Cacciatore, Patterson Dental
Larry Carl and Barb Blough, Iowa Dental Association
Diane Wells, DDS Coordinator
“I am so proud of the wonderful dedication of all the DDS volunteers, said Dr. Jay Davidson, chair of the DLN • IA Leadership Council. “We are blessed to be able to call dentistry our career and with the opportunity to give back to our fellow Iowans. Our founder’s message of taking care of our fellow men and women in need will never go away. Our volunteer dentists all thank our volunteer dental lab partners along with the generous contributions of Delta Dental of Iowa.”
More information on the Iowa DDS program and this important milestone can be found in a DLN press release.
See the record of the governor’s proclamation signing
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