Dental Lifeline Network would like to recognize Clark Dental Laboratory for their dedicated service to Donated Dental Services (DDS) patients in Illinois. Clark Dental Laboratory helped more than 50 patients since becoming a volunteer lab in 1998, totaling more than $15,000 in donated fabrications and they continue to give back to their community. Since the Illinois DDS program began in 1989, volunteer dental labs have provided donated materials to 6,282 patients. In the last fiscal year, 788 Illinois DDS patients received over $120,572 in donated lab services.
“I am very grateful for all the support that has been extended to me by Clark Dental Lab, this small but highly dedicated team uses their skills to provide valuable Donated Dental Services (DDS) for our community of volunteer dentists.” – Lisa Williamson, Illinois DDS Program Coordinator
To learn more about the Illinois DDS program, visit the 2015-2016 State Annual Report.
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