martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

DLN • Pennsylvania Surpasses $15 Million in Donated Care!

The Pennsylvania General Assembly recognized Dental Lifeline Network • Pennsylvania through Senate Resolution No. 485 for $15 million of donated care that has helped improve the lives of more than 4,600 people since its inception in 1996.

More than 600 general dentists, specialists and 100 dental labs have donated their time and expertise to the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program in Pennsylvania, which provides individuals with disabilities, who are elderly or medically fragile with comprehensive dental treatment they could not otherwise afford.

DLN • Pennsylvania is endorsed by the Pennsylvania Dental Association and receives funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Without their support, and the generosity of hundreds of general dentists, dental specialists, and labs in the state, critical programs like DDS would not exist.

“We are proud to celebrate this huge $15 million milestone of providing donated comprehensive dental care to people with disabilities, who are elderly, or have medical conditions in Pennsylvania.  Those patients’ lives are transformed thanks to the kindness of DDS volunteer dentists and labs. We look forward to continuing the Pennsylvania DDS program and helping even more patients in the future.” – Bernie Dishler, DDS, Dental Lifeline Network • Pennsylvania Chairman.

The post DLN • Pennsylvania Surpasses $15 Million in Donated Care! appeared first on Dental Lifeline Network.
